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European Sustainability Report 2024

European Sustainability Report 2024

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Research specialists

Depending on the research objective, we offer qualitative (in-depth, focus groups) and quantitative research (CATI and WAPI), both B2B and B2C. We are focused on delivering essential insights that bring our customers closer to their target audience and closer to success. As a specialised market research agency for the construction, installation and home improvement markets, we don't specialise in a certain type of market study, but in the industries itself. This allows us to conduct better market research and provide a strong value add based on our three decades of market expertise.

Clients we work for

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Key benefits of working with USP

Custom made insights, tailored to your needs

Every market research and business objective is unique, we understand this at USP. Every market research is tailor made to fit your needs.

Market experts

USP has over three decades of market research expereince in the construction, installation and home improvement markets

B2B and B2C

USP has extensive experience in market exploration researches focussing on the professional and the consumer markets

Wide coverage of target groups and segments

USP can cover a wide variety of segments and target groups in the construction and installation business value chain

Qualitative and quantitative market research capabilities

USP can conduct both qualitative (in-depth interviews, group discussions etc) and quantitative (CATI, online etc) market research

Worldwide coverage

USP can conduct market explorations worldwide and in multiple countries at the same time, ensuring comparabilty and relaibilty.

Expertise in many research types

USP can conduct a wide variety of different market studies like branding, market size and product development researches

Who benefits?

C-level proffesionals

Business & product development professionals

Marketing and market intelligence proffesionals

Investors and M&A professionals

Key insights and advice for board level professionals to enable strategic long-term decision making.

Many of our clients are C-level proffesionals working in the construction, installation and home improvement market segments. As they are frequently engaged in long term strategy development, they research request we receive are mostly on a high strategic level as well. For example, new market entry researches, brand repositioning and M&A studies. Our three decades of marketing expertise in the construction, installation and home improvement market provides us the knowladge to be an equal sparring partner in these challinging projects and provide insights & advice.

Fact based support on developing new products and markets.

USP has conducted many product development studies in the last three decades. Many of these projects are assigned by business and product development professionals. We can assist during the entire development phases for new products, from concept test till pre-production models tests and everything in between. Besides product development tests, we also frequently are asked to conduct market size & pricing studies from our business and product development principles. With our 30+ years of experience in the construction, installation and home improvement markets, we know which target groups to target and, more importanly, able to arrange interviews, live tests and so on. Furthermore, we can benchmark the results due to our market knowladge and experience in conduction market size and product development studies.

Full service support to tackle all of your marketing and market research projects

USP conducts a wide variety of studies commisioned by marketing and market intelligence proffesionals. Most commenly the request we get are branding, customer journey and driver analyis researches. However, due to our 30+ years of market expertise in the construction, installation and home improvement markets, we frequently are asked to investigate trends like prefabrication, Building Information Modelling, sustianabilty and so on. Our clients value our market expertise and solid research methodolgy to provide the insights and advice they need.

Reliable insights and advice for understanding the market position and potential of companies of interest.

USP is frequently asked to assist with researches revovoving around mergers and aqcuistions. Typically, we are asked to investigate the market position and shares of the companies that are in the scope of the M&A process. As these types of assignements are highly stratigcal, we are often commisioned these projects based on our three decades of market expertise in the construction, installation and home improvement market segments. A solid understanding of the markets and the long term trends are vital in advising about the right course of action.

Our experts

Dirk Hoogenboom

Manager Sales & Marketing

Jan-Paul Schop

CEO / Founder

Frequently asked questions

  1. Is USP able to conduct market studies in the US or Asia?

Yes, USP has a worldwide network of partners and is able to conduct research projects in almost all countries worldwide. Many of our assignments consist of multiple countries being investigated at the same time.

  1. Can USP conduct a branding research?

Yes, USP can conduct any type of market research, as long as it is within our expertise area's, being the construction, installation and home improvement market segments.

  1. Can USP target building owners?

Yes, as a market specialised agency, focussing on the construction, installation and home improvement market segments, we can target any relevant stakeholder active in those busines value chains. This includes building owners, but also architects, installers, investors, contractors and many more.

  1. Can USP conduct qualitative market research?

Yes, as a market specialised agency focusing on the construction, installation and home improvement segments, USP can conduct both qualitative and quantitatve market research projects. worldwide.

  1. Why is USP specialising in the construction, installation and home improvement segments?

USP decided, already three decades ago, to specialise in the construction, installation and home improvement segments. They key reason for this specialisation is that we strongly believe that, in order to conduct proper market studies and advising our clients, you need to understand the market. This is especally the case for a-typical market segments like the construction, installation and home improvement markets. In short, by specialsing we can provide more insights and advice to build on.

  1. Can USP conduct market studies in multiple countries simultaniously?

Yes, USP can conduct worldwide market studies in multiple.

  1. Can USP provide B2B and B2C research?

Yes, USP can provide both B2B and B2C researches in construction, installation and home improvement industry.

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[email protected]


+31 10 2066900


Max Euwelaan 51
3062 MA Rotterdam