Ready made reports / European Architectural Barometer
European Architectural Barometer
Comprehensive insights into the state of the construction market in Europe, with a focus on European architects. Every quarter, approximately 750+ successful telephone interviews are conducted with architects in 8 European countries. Each quarterly report focuses on key marketing topics, such as sustainability, BIM, prefab, orientation behaviour, and many more. The reports also include our predictions for future building volumes.

Excellence trough expertise
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Excellence trough expertise
Available reports
2,000€ Single report 8 countries / 6,700€ Annual subscription
Excellence trough expertise
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Frequently asked questions
What are the major trends that we are covering with this research?
The trends covered in this report include sustainability, material usage trends, decision-making in the construction industry, preferred brands among architects, media orientation, prefab, BIM, labour shortage, and many more.
What is the methodolgy behind this research?
This report is based on 3.400 successful quantitative telephone interviews with architects on an annuall basis. The interviews are conducted in native language in Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany, and Poland. The report relies on a representative sample of architects, excluding companies with fewer than 1 employee. This research is conducted quarterly, with reports covering different key marketing topics like media orientation, BIM, prefab, sustainability, and many more. With these reports you get vital insights to sharpen your strategical marketing plans, improve internal discussion/decision making by having fact-based information and helping to narrow down and focus better on possible dedicated market research topics.
How often is this research conducted and reports published?
The research is conducted four times a year and the reports are published quarterly.
For whom is this research valuable?
These insights are of high value for any stakeholder active in the construction indusry and targetting the architects and architectural market.
How can one get access to the reports?
Contact us via the contact form, order the reports via the report order function or contact us via [email protected]
What does the pricing work?
A single report for 8 countries is available for €1,850, and an annual subscription (4 reports) costs €6,300.
Which countries does this report cover?
In addition to the cross-country comparison and insights at the European level, this report covers the following European countries: the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Poland.

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Please contact our office or fill in the contact form and our specialists will contact you.
+31 10 2066900ADDRESS
Max Euwelaan 51
3062 MA Rotterdam