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European Sustainability Report 2024

European Sustainability Report 2024

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Ready made reports / European Sustainability Report 2024

European Sustainability Report 2024

Understand how sustainability affects the way of working within the industry. This report contains several years of research conducted among key stakeholders in the European construction industry and will provide insights into the current and future developments within the industry.

Excellence trough expertise

Key benefits

Fact based insights

This report provides in-depth insights based on triangulation of key market information and data as well as data from USP Marketing Consultancy’s key monitors that are carried out year in, year out.

Solid methodolgy

Every report is based on approximately 11,000 successful telephone interviews and 9,500 online interviews. In combination with the desk research conducted, this report will give a solid and comprehensive overview on the topic within the European Construction industry.

Strong comparabilty

The focus of this report is on the most important stakeholders within the construction industry, namely architects, contractors, electrical and HVAC installers within The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, France, Italy, and Spain.

Excellence trough expertise

Upcoming reports

Special reports

European Sustainability Report 2024


3,950 Euro

Clients of the Sustainability report 2024


Dirk Hoogenboom

Manager Sales & Marketing

Henri Busker

Team Leader | Consultant

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the most used product solutions regarding sustainable construction

Most used product solutions regarding sustainable construction are heat pumps, photovoltaic panels, led lightning, bio-based insulation and products of used material.

  1. What is expected EU renewable energy source share?

EU renewable energy source share is expected at 27.9 %.

  1. What describes sustainable construction best?

Energy and resource efficient buildings

  1. Who plays key role in the transition towards sustainable construction?

Architects and contractors play a key role in the transition towards sustainable construction

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